1,329 research outputs found

    Preliminary evaluation of annually cultivated forage legumes for organic farming in Finland

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    In 1998-2001 nineteen forage legume species (Lupinus, Medicago, Melilotus, Pisum, Trifolium and Vicia species) were evaluated at two sites of Eastern Finland (Mikkeli and Juva). Species were studied for their annual productivity in pure stands and in mixtures with cereals (barley and oats) and Italian ryegrass. Swards were cut either twice or once (whole grain silage stage of barley)

    The anti-adhesive and anti-aggregatory effects of phenolics from Trifolium species in vitro

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    Abstract The present in vitro study includes a compar-ative evaluation of anti-platelet (anti-thrombotic) proper-ties of plant phenolics, isolated from nine different clover (Trifolium) species. The analysis covered phenolic frac-tions isolated from T. alexandrinum L., T. fragiferum L., T. hybridum L., T. incarnatum L., T. pallidum Waldst et Kit., T. resupinatum L. var. majus Boiss, T. resupinatum L. var. resupinatum, T. scabrum L., and T. pratense L. (red clo-ver). The inhibitory effects of plant preparations (1–50 lg/ ml) on hemostatic functions of blood platelets were assessed by measurements of thrombin- or ADP-induced platelet adhesion to fibrinogen, platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma (activated with ADP or collagen), and by the determination of PF-4 secretion from platelet a-granules. The influence of T. phenolics on arachidonic cascade in blood platelets was also determined. T. resupinatum var. majus, T. resupinatum var. resupinatum, and T. scabrum had the strongest anti-platelet effects. These preparations displayed the most evident anti-adhe-sive and anti-aggregatory effects in response to all of the used agonists: thrombin (0.2 U/ml), ADP (10 lM), and collagen (2 lg/ml), and their inhibitory properties were also confirmed by an analysis of PF-4 secretion. T. scabrum and some of other examined clover species possess sig-nificantly higher concentrations of both isoflavones and other bioactive phenolics, when compared to red clover. The obtained results suggest that these clovers contain substances with potent anti-platelet properties

    BRS Resteveiro: nova cultivar de inverno para solos hidromórficos.

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    Yearly reports of biodiversity data 2018_2019

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    Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic fruit orchards and vineyard

    Phenolics in aerial parts of Persian clover Trifolium resupinatum

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    The nutritional quality of Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum), an important pasture crop, depends not only on a high protein content but also on the occurrence of animal health and welfare promoting phytochemicals. Nine phenolic constituents present in the aerial parts of this species were isolated and their structures confirmed by NMR and ESI-MS analyses. The compounds included two chlorogenic acids, four quercetin and two kaempferol glycosides, as well as the isoflavone formononetin-7-glucoside. The concentration of isoflavone was low, not exceeding 1.2 mg/g of dry matter. The concentration of flavonols ranged between 5.9 and 11.8 mg/g, depending on the sampling dates, with the highest concentration occurring in the first cut. A similar trend in the concentration was found for chlorogenic acids, which ranged from 2 mg/g in summer to 7.3 mg/g in spring

    D3_5.Yearly reports of biodiversity data 2018_2019

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    Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic fruit orchards and vineyard

    Prime osservazioni su specie perenni ed annue autoriseminanti in vista della organizzazione di catene di foraggiamento in ambienti mediterranei

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    Nel corso del periodo 1987-89 sono state valutate le potenzialità produttive e la distribuzione della produzione di 32 tra ecotipi e varietà di graminacee e leguminose foraggere annue e perenni provenienti prevalentemente dall'Italia centrale. La prova è stata condotta contemporaneamente in tre ambienti appartenenti a diverse zone bioclimatiche dell'area mediterranea (Perugia, Grosseto e Sassari) utilizzando uno schema sperimentale a blocchi randomizzati con quattro ripetizioni. I rilievi effettuati hanno riguardato il ricopri mento specifico e la produzione di sostanza secca determinata con criteri differenti: mensilmente per le leguminose annue; al 50% della fioritura e quindi mensilmente per le leguminose perenni; all'inizio della spigatura e quindi mensilmente per le graminacee. Per le specie annuali oltre alla sostanza secca è stata determinata la produzione di seme. L'obiettivo è stato quello di caratterizzare materiali che possano essere impiegati scalarmente per dilatare il periodo di utilizzazione diretta al pascolo. Dai risultati è stato possibile individuare, a seconda delle località, alcune popolazione di Medicago polymorpha L., Trifolium subterraneum L. e Lotus sp. pl. che hanno permesso di anticipare il periodo di utilizzazione primaverile e prolungare quello autunnale. Su questa base sono stati ipotizzati esempi di catene di foraggiamento semplificate (a tre anelli). Per quanto concerne le specie annue autoriseminanti, esse sembrano poter svolgere un importante ruolo nella regolazione della distribuzione stagionale della produzione foraggera nelle due località caratterizzate da un clima più tipicamente mediterraneo (Grosseto e Sassari) mentre la produzione di seme è risultata più che soddisfacente per assicurare l'autorisemina in tutte e tre le località. During the period 1987-1989, the yield and the distribution of forage production of 32 ecotypes and varieties of annual and perennial forage Iegumes and grasses were evaluated. The origin of plant materials was CentraI Italy. The trial was carried out in three environments characterized by different Mediterranean subclimates (Perugia, Grosseto and Sassari). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replicates. Specific ground cover was assessed in fall 1987, 1988 and 1989. Dry matter yield was assessed: monthly for annual legumes; at 50% of flowering and then monthly for perennial legumes; at early heading and then monthly for grasses. Seed yield of annual species was also recorded. Aim of the trial was to characterize plant materials that could be utilized subsequently in order to extend the period of direct utilization of herbage by grazing animals. It was possible depending on localities, to identify some populations of Medicago polymorpha L., Trifolium subterraneum L. and Lotus sp. pl.. that allowed to bring forward the spring utilization and to extend the autumn utilization. On the basis of the resu1ts obtained, it was possible to set up some simplified forage chains. Annual self reseeding species seemed to be more important to improve seasonal distribution of herbages in the typical Mediterranean locations (Sassari and Grosseto). Seed production was more than appreciable in order to allow self reseeding at the three locations


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    This research was carried out at Analyses Laboratory of field Crops Department in Agricultural Faculty, Namik Kemal University, Tekirdag, Turkey. The germination experiments, which were set up as completely randomized blocks with three replicates, were performed from seed harvest to end in 15 day intervals. In the experiment, the hardseededness (%), dead seed (%), germination speed (%) and vigor (%) ratios in Trifolium resupinatum var. typicum Fiori et Paol. which has different seed color such as yellow, red, green and mixed were determined and their variations in a year were examined. It was determined that seed color and time after harvest could affect all characteristics found out. While the highest hardseededness was determining green seeds (68.4%), the highest dead seed ratio was 2.4% in red seeds. The germination speed was 31.0% in yellow seed and their vigor was found high (38.9%). While the highest hard seed ratio was found in 10th (94.3%) germination period, the highest dead seed ratio was 3.1% in 18th germination period. The highest germination speed and vigor were counted in 21st – 26th period and the lowest values were obtained from 10th period.Ovo se istraživanje provodilo u Laboratoriju Zavoda za analize poljskih usjeva na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu, Namik Kemal Sveučilišta u Tekirdagu, Turska. Pokusi s klijanjem, postavljeni po potpuno slučajnom rasporedu u tri ponavljanja, trajali su od skupljanja sjemena do kraja u vremenskim intervalima od 15 dana. U ovom pokusu utvrđivala se čvrstoća sjemena (%), klijavost sjemena (%), brzina klijanja (%) i vigor (%) u Trifolium resupinatum var. typicum Fiori et Paol. koji ima raznobojno sjeme (žuto, crveno, zeleno i miješano), kao i njihove varijacije tijekom godine. Utvrđeno je da boja sjemena, kao i vrijeme nakon žetve, mogu utjecati na sve karakteristike sjemena. Dok je najveća čvrstoća utvrđena kod zelenog sjemena (68,4%), najveći udio neklijavog sjemena (2,4%) imalo je crveno sjeme. Brzina klijanja žutog sjemenu bila je 31,0%, dok je vigor bio visok (38,9%). Najveća čvrstoća sjemena utvrđena je u 10. razdoblju klijanja (94.3%), a najviše neklijavog sjemena (3.1%) bilo je u 18. razdoblju klijanja. Najveća brzina klijanja, kao i vigor, utvrđeni su od 21. do 26. razdoblja, a najniže vrijednosti dobivene su u 10. razdoblju

    Antioxidant activity of Trifolium resupinatum L. exposed to different extracts from leaves, flowers and shoots of Prangos ferulacea

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    Prangos ferulacea is a member of Apiaceae family, is a popular fodder for livestock production and an important species in rangeland restoration. The objectives of the research are the comparative phytotoxic activity of aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts obtained from different organs (flower, shoot and leaf) of P. ferulacea on antioxidant response of Trifolium resupinatum was investigated in a laboratory bioassay. Antioxidant enzyme activities including catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD), ascorbic peroxidase (APX), and superoxide dismutase (SOD), in line with content of malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide were measured. Results indicated that hydroalcoholic extract of P. ferulaceae flower possess the highest total phenolic content as well as highest phytotoxic effect on T. resupinatum. The highest antioxidant enzyme activity belonged to hydroalcoholic treatment. The treated T. resupinatum seedlings experienced lipid peroxidation at high extract concentrations (12% of hydroalcoholic and 100% of aqueous extract) as evidenced by increased concentration of MDA. In response to this, the activities of SOD, CAT, POD and APX increased at lower extract concentrations but significantly dropped as concentrations increased. According to results of this study, rehabilitation of T. resupinatum sites through the use of P. ferulaceae will probably not be successful